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FAQ - DWNP Publication

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1. Where to get materials published Department of Wildlife and National Parks?

Books and VCDs are available for sale from the Corporate Division, DWNP Headquarters. For further enquiries, please contact Pn. Suzilawati binti Ramzan (Tel: 03-9086 6800 ext. 6814.) of the Corporate Division. These publications are also available at state DWNP offices. Please contact the relevant offices for details.Publications for sale are as follows:

  1. Buku Ternakan Komersil Hidupan Liar Malaysia-Landak Raya (Hystrix brachyura) - RM25.00
  2. Buku Commercial Farming of Malaysian Wildlife-Malayan Porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) - RM30.00
  3. VCD Gunung Tahan - A View From Above - RM15.00
  4. VCD Taman Negara - A Journey Through Time - RM23.00
  5. VCD Taman Negara Pulau Pinang - A Beacon Of Hope - RM20.00
  6. DVD Krau Wildlife Reserve - A Centre For Biodiversity - RM20.00
  7. DVD Tasek Bera - Malaysia's Mystical Wetlands - RM20.00
  8. DVD Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary - A Haven For Wildlife - RM28.00

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Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) 
Peninsular Malaysia
Km 10, Jalan Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 03-90866800       Fax : 03-90752873
Email : webmaster[at]wildlife[dot]gov[dot]my
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